Monday, July 16, 2012

It's the end of the world!

First we had hacking (with some cool drama on the side) and now confirmation of the PSO2 servers being separate.

Clearly it is then end of Phantasy Star outside of Japan. I mean just look at a few of the topics popping up over at Sega's forums. First we have this one with the terrible servers aren't global news where someone suggests to not support the game at all. I for one think this is a great idea. I mean Sega gave some pretty bad support for PSU and clearly we all know they can't change so we shouldn't even give them a chance. Plus this is the perfect way for us to say to Sega: "please don't bother bringing these types of games outside of Japan." Who likes playing games in a language they can understand? Nobody that's who! This is a brilliant plan with no way it could ever backfire.

Also you already have other posts where people have already decided to stay with the Japanese version of PSO2. We all know we can't trust Sega of America right guys?! (or maybe they already bought a crap load of Ark's Cash).

Now to be positive for a moment:
On the other hand... what if Sega can really pull it off? With the servers separated maybe we'll see AC prices adjusted. Sure with the Japanese version we have to take in account of the poor exchange rate but the pricing is pretty bad; you want $16 for a month of the premium set? Nope. Plus if the servers were global Sega would probably be lazy and just make 1 USD / 1 Pound / 1 Euro, etc = 100 AC which would make it slightly cheaper but still not be all that great. Now if Sega can get the premium set price under $10 (5 would be ideal) and lower the pricing for that AC lottery deal we could have a real winner here.

Then maybe we could see PSO2 on Steam and maybe even take advantage of Steam trading (Sega already has a free to play game that uses it too). It would help the game get some much needed publicity.

Sure it may not be perfect but you know what? I don't want to jump through all these hoops to play and pay for a game in language I can't read (in addition to the the whole price/exchange rate thing I said earlier). As long as I get some entertainment out of the English version of PSO2 I won't be too disappointed. Probably.

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