Thursday, February 24, 2011

Initial PSO2 System Requirements Revealed

The official Phantasy Star Online 2 Web site has been updated with the system requirements needed to play the game when the alpha test starts later this year. This is quite possibly the most interesting piece of PSO2 news to hit so far this year (other than the alpha test announcement, I guess!)

For those of you who don't feel like clicking through, here are the system specs you'll need to play:

Operating System
Windows XP SP3 x86 (32-bit)
Windows Vista SP2 x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit)
Windows 7 SP1 x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit)

Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 or better (see this page for processor specs)

Memory (RAM)
At least 1.5 GB (2 GB for Windows Vista / 7 systems)

Hard Drive
At least 8GB free space required

Monitor Resolution
1280 x 720 (minimum)

Graphics Card
nVidia GeForce 7800GT (or equivalent) or better

Sound Card
DirectSound compatible (requires at least DirectX 9.0c)

DirectX Version
9.0c or higher

This news bodes well for those of us hoping for a PC-only release. PSO2's system requirements are already significantly higher than PSU's in several important categories. Here are some of the key system requirements for Phantasy Star Universe, taken straight from the back of the box:

CPU: Intel Pentium 4 1.6 GHz (2.6 GHz recommended)
Graphics Card: nVidia GeForce 4 series / ATI Radeon 8500 series (64MB video RAM required)

Maybe this is an indication that consoles could have a hard time running the game at a decent frame rate. Of course, it could just be that Sega / Sonic Team are arbitrarily increasing the system requirements right now so that players with pieces of shit for computers don't register them to play the alpha test. Without any screenshots it's hard to tell what this information really means!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Rewards as Content, Part II

Three weeks ago, I dashed off a post about the arrival of the first set of rewards from Absolute Zero.

At the time, some Xbox 360 players were apparently a little irritated that they weren't getting all of the event rewards in that update. I had said then that I thought it was a good idea to split the rewards up, if only so that players wouldn't feel rushed trying to take advantage of all the bonuses at once. I also hoped that the next content update would be more than just the second half of the rewards.

Here we are, three weeks later. The update for this week has been announced. Lo and behold, the remaining rewards are pretty much the only things the regional servers get this week, which is exactly what GM Edward said would not happen.

To be fair, obviously Edward does not get to decide what goes into the next content update; he only reports what Sega of Japan has told him. Things can (and probably often do) change, and as PSU GM and community liaison, Edward unfortunately has to take the brunt of the players' criticism when that happens. However, Sega of Japan shouldn't be putting Edward in the position to be the bearer of bad news. What it has done here is insulting to players and merely underscores why things continue to go downhill on the US/EU servers.

In addition to receiving the second set of reward updates, players will also be getting the White Day lobbies and an update to the missions Unsafe Passage, Fight for Food, and Moonlight Beast that makes them Ambition of the Illuminus compliant (which I presume is only a drop chart change and maybe a difficulty increase). I don't see any significant updates here at all. For Sega of Japan to say they have "something planned" besides the reward update and then throw out a lobby change and minor mission update is ridiculous.

In any case, it will be interesting to see how the community responds to this announcement. Players didn't take the announcement of the first set of rewards too well, so the next day or so should be fun!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Debating PSO2 "Global Support"

Back in September of last year, Phantasy Star Online 2 officially became a reality. When news of the game broke, the community quickly picked up on the phrase "global support", a vague term shown in the game's initial trailer.

Shortly after the announcement, I blogged a little about my desire to see international servers for the game. Some time later I wrote about the potential implications console releases of PSO2 would have for that "dream".

Now, those posts have somehow fueled the debate thanks to this thread over at PSO World (hi, everyone! Thanks for reading!) Apparently I insinuated that Sega's failure to provide international servers for PSO2 would be the game's death knell in the West. This is not quite what I said, but it's not too far off. (I do stand by my comment that the game should be PC-only, though.)

If Sega eventually does decide to separate US/EU players from the Japanese, that doesn't mean that the Western version of the game will be dead on arrival. However, I do think that segregated servers would only serve to cement PSO2's status as a niche online game, at least in the West.

Why? If past history is any indication, there's no reason to believe that Sega will run PSO2 any differently than it did Phantasy Star Universe. For US/EU players, that means trickle-down content updates that the Japanese game received 18 months ago. That means second-class support from Sega of Japan. That means pissed off US/EU players berating the Sega of America GMs, who unfortunately are at the beck and call of their Japanese masters. It all equates to players leaving the game in droves, just as they did with PSU several months after that game's release.

Of course, there's no guarantee that anything like that will happen. I can only speculate based on past experience. Maybe Sega's business model for PSO2 will be vastly different, but if that's not the case, players will let their wallets do the talking and leave. And those that have been through the process before with PSU will leave even more quickly because the outcome is predictable.

I've already seen plenty of comments on PSU forums where players have said they would play on the Japanese server if region-separated servers become a reality. If that doesn't tell Sega what should be done, I don't know what will.

Finally, I should mention that I only make these comments because I want PSO2 to succeed. I sincerely hope that Sega makes all the right decisions and gives us a visually engaging, addictive, fun-to-play online game that every player worldwide can enjoy together on the same servers. Yes, I've been highly critical of Phantasy Star Universe on this blog, but only because I am disappointed that the game did not live up to its potential due to circumstances that were preventable to begin with. While most of that was Sega's poor management of the game, I don't hate the company, nor do I hate PSU. I just don't want PSO2 to suffer the same fate. One of the best things Sega / Sonic Team can do for the community in this regard is provide international servers.

Monday, February 7, 2011

PSO2 Alpha Test Eligibility Details Announced for PSU Players

The eligibility requirements have been announced for Phantasy Star Universe players wishing to get in on the Phantasy Star Online 2 alpha test later this year.

Drawing chances will be distributed in three waves. To receive a chance to "win", players must have an account on the Japanese PC/PS2 servers (obviously) and meet the following criteria during the eligibility period:
  • The player must be subscribed to the Premium Course option, or
  • The player must have purchased at least ¥3,000 (roughly $36.45 USD) in Guardians Cash
The first wave of chances will be distributed on Thursday, February 24, and will be given out to all players who meet the eligibility criteria between January 1 and Sunday, February 20.

The second wave of chances will be distributed in April, and will be given out to all players who meet the eligibility criteria between February 21 and March 31.

The final shot at a drawing entry will occur in May, and is open to all players who meet the eligibility criteria between April 1 and May 30. This eligibility period will be open to PC PSU players only (though it wasn't really mentioned whether PS2 players would be eligible at all).

Former Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst players are also eligible. Players who purchased a Hunters License at any point during 2010 will receive a chance to "win" at some point in the future. Obviously this is also for players of the Japanese game only.

The official Phantasy Star Online 2 Web site has been updated with all of the necessary information. It's nice to see the slow trickle of information increasing ever so slightly! Now, if only we could get some screenshots...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

PSO2 Alpha Test to Begin This Summer

An event related to the upcoming Japanese release of Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity provided some interesting information about the near future for Phantasy Star Online 2.

During today's event, PSO2 producer Satoshi Sakai announced that an alpha test for the game would take place in the summer. A contest will be held to determine who gets to participate in the test. Players that purchase a first-run copy of Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity (in Japan, obviously) will receive a code to be used in the PSO2 alpha test drawing. Japanese Phantasy Star Universe and Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst players will also be eligible for the drawing, though no additional information has been provided on how this will work.

This is very promising news. Perhaps the release of PSO2 isn't as far off as we all think! Now if there was only a way for US/EU players to get into that alpha test...

Source: Phantasy Star Online 2 Alpha Test Kicks off This Summer