Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sega Launches New Phantasy Star Blog

Sega of Japan launched a new official blog today, of which the primary focus seems to be Phantasy Star Online 2.

The inaugural post mentions that one of the most common questions posed to the developers during the alpha test was about mags. It had been mentioned previously that mags would make it to PSO2 in some form, but no details had been given.

Today, everyone's fears of a mag-less PSO2 were hopefully put to rest, because a sketch of a basic PSO2 mag was posted on the official blog. The post notes that the color of the mag can change depending on who equips it.

No details were provided beyond that, but it's a start. Hopefully we'll be able to see mags in action by the time the next alpha test rolls around. Here's hoping the new blog will provide the community with more information about the game, too.