Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Japanese Social Gaming Companies Revisiting Gambling Games

The recent PSO2 closed beta test demonstrated various features of the Arks Cash system. Among those was an "Arks Scratch" game, which apparently allows players to use real money to purchase tickets that can then be used to gamble for in-game items.

This type of thing is apparently common in Japanese social games, but according to a Reuters report, that could soon change.

Some of Japan's largest social gaming companies announced today that they would begin phasing out gambling games. The announcement came amid an investigation by Japan's Consumer Affairs Agency into "complete gacha" games, which essentially charge players for an opportunity to win in-game rewards.

These games are evidently a huge source of income for these companies. Gree Inc, one of Japan's biggest social gaming companies, tripled its operating profit in the past quarter, according to the Reuters report.

Presumably, these games have caught the attention of regulators because they are targeted towards a younger demographic. Then there's the issue that you don't really own anything you win from these gambling games—at the end of the day your reward is still on the company's server, with the stipulation that it could be deleted at any time at the company's discretion. Now imagine spending your money with the hope of getting a really rare item, only to get the same junk reward over and over. That's not an investment I'm interested in making.

In any case, it will be interesting to see whether the PSO2 developers revisit the "Arks Scratch" concept in the wake of this news. It would be nice if they could find a way to make that content accessible to players without having to gamble for it.

Japan's social media heavyweights scrap gambling games [Reuters]