Monday, March 29, 2010

New Content Coming Your Way Fast

The PSU community may be changing, but Sega's level of service doesn't seem to be.

Edward has posted the content update announcement for this Friday on the official Sega forums. This will be the first update after the imminent Thursday morning shutdown of the official PC/PS2 servers.

Not surprisingly, Sega is treating its Xbox 360 players to a single new mission this week. The Easter lobbies will also be going up, but I've said before that this hardly qualifies as a content update.

I realize that it's still a little premature to say how Sega will handle future updates for the US/EU servers. However, I'd be willing to bet that it's been weeks since they last developed any content for the PC/PS2 side of things. This update announcement wouldn't make me too confident.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Welcome to the Last Week

...for PC/PS2 users, anyway. In case you've been living under a rock for the last two months, the PC/PS2 PSU servers are scheduled to be shut down forever at midnight PDT (3AM EDT) next Thursday. In the meantime, Sega has implemented pointless bonuses for the final stretch.

GM Edward has also announced that Sega staff will be logging on during PC/PS2's final week to run missions with players. Something tells me that there won't be many people around to play with, though.

When the topic of discussion in the designated PC/PS2 complaint thread turns from server shutdown to an argument over PSO PvP, you know there's not much time left.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Quality over Quantity

While I was busy writing up the last post, GM Edward posted an announcement on the official forums that this week's maintenance period would be skipped.

He also basically finalized the winners of MAG+, indicating that those players would get their medal rewards soon. I haven't looked at the MAG+ TA leaderboards lately, but I did after reading this announcement.

I was delighted to see that players of the soon-to-be-dead PC/PS2 servers claimed the top two team spots in the Time Attack rankings (including a team of two which beat out the top Xbox 360 team, a group of four, by more than 20 seconds.)

Well done, PC/PS2 players. It just goes to show you that the platform with the most players doesn't necessarily have the best players (or community).

Friday, March 5, 2010

PC/PS2 bonuses start next week

Today GM Edward@Sega has announced that the bonuses for the PC/PS2 servers will start next week once MAG+ ends. Also in the post he states that the server will shut down midnight on March 31st.

Anyway here is a list of the bonuses:

- Super Holy / Three Star Luck -- All Players
- Weapon/Armor Synth Rate +20%
- Weapon Grind Boost +15%
- Vol Coins boost x10
- Free Beauty Salon / 50% discount clothes and parts
- Photon Art Experience Boost

I hope you weren't getting your hopes up for something interesting. I know I wasn't!